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The Chicago Youth Service Corps is an initiative where Chicago youth (ages 16-24) can earn money while supporting their neighborhood and city.

The program offers opportunities for community service, project-based online learning and fun virtual events during the entire summer. 


The Chicago Youth Service Corps began in the summer of 2020 as a six-week program where Chicago youth (ages 16-24) earned money while supporting their neighborhood and city through COVID-related efforts and community service. Due to its success, the Chicago Youth Service Corps received grants to continue its activities moving forward. Corps members build relationships, leadership skills, and professional skills through project- based learning while connecting with other young leaders across the city.

This work was made possible through forging relationships with non-profit, community-based agencies across the city. With these coordinated partnerships, the Chicago Youth Service Corps continues to help young Chicagoans power through the pandemic and serve our city.

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